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Friday, April 23, 2010

Finally got that new motherboard, and some new speakers. Problem is, because my new motherboard chipset is radically different to my old one, Windows 7 is being having a cry over the incorrect drivers and refusing to start up correctly. Re-install - here I come.

Later, though.

So it's a 4 day weekend and I have no idea what I want to do with my time. LAN party at Epping? No thanks, I was too busy buying motherboards. Plus, my parents would kill me if I went out and gamed for 8 hours in a single day.

Speaking of which, it's amazing how little appeal gaming has to me nowadays. Sure, I still play those shitty flash games for like 10 minutes, and then there are those multiplayer flash online games (omgpop, anyone?) that were fun during the holidays....but that's it. I remember when I would count down the days until I could *cough*buy*cough* the new Guitar Hero or Grand Theft Auto but now whenever something comes out all I can think is "that would be fun to play" *resumes doing whatever I was doing before*. I'm not exactly sure why, but I've narrowed it down to these two reasons.

  1. Gaming is not only a dying art, but developers have run out of ideas and there's nothing that hasn't been done 43205 times already.
  2. I'm growing up.
I think and fear it's the latter. Not that it's not what I want, but all the same it still kind of worries me.

Anyway, I'm off to go backup some files or something now. Leave comments ("on what?" I don't know) in the Cbox thanks. :D

5:20 PM

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

I finally ordered my MP3 player (http://bit.ly/182rfN) and a set of Kalana-brand earphones to boot. I look forward to getting a new motherboard so I have access to my music, meaning my MP3 player won't just become an ugly paperweight. Which reminds me, I have this paperweight my aunt gave me. It is made out of glass and has an eagle on it, and when you turn the....knob? on the bottom is starts flashing blue and red. Tangents hooray.

There is none.

....Apart from exams. I'm pretty happy with all my results bar maths and chemistry. I thought Chemistry was my best subject (actually my worst), but by the looks of Physics is now my best. This is not how it was meant to work out -_-.

Holidays were pretty boring/relaxing. Sneha's b'day party was pretty good - watched Pineapple Express which I thought was awesome. If you want to know more about it just go read her blog. Yeli's party was great, too. Arrived there a few hours late but now I know thaatttt....
  • I am terrible at table tennis.
  • I really want to buy the board game "Risk".
Bleargh. There are so many things I want to buy, but I have so little funds. Ideas for jobs, anyone?

Oh, over the holidays I got hooked onto NCIS (shoot me). Just cheap thrills, really. Always follows the same formula.
  1. Normal day, team doing their duties.
  2. Someone dies.
  3. Suspects/witnesses deny any affiliation with victim and/or his/her death.
  4. Evidence collected/examined.
  5. Problems with evidence collected (i.e. need better equipment/need more evidence)
  6. SUSPENSE. In the form of infiltration/shootout/negotiating with psycho.
  7. Plot twist as it is revealed that it was the suspect's relative/mentor/friend who was the murderer.
Toss in unresolved sexual tension, witty remarks and the odd twist to the plot twist and you have NCIS. Great stuff. /s

10:31 PM

Saturday, April 3, 2010

I switched to FM radio for the first time in ages, and listened for a while. I felt pretty out of touch, especially when they'd give the name of a song that had just played. It's kind of a "oohhhhh, so that's who/what everyone has been talking about." I remember the same thing happening at last year's formal, just continuous facepalm for me. Hmmm, I'm pretty sure I have only listened to like, 5 of Lady Gaga's songs in total [EDIT: Apparently Lady Gaga's only released 7 songs in total. Let's go with the one's I can name off the top of my head - Just Dance, Pokerface, Bad Romance, annddd. ummmm. Yeah, so that brings it down to 3]. That's how out of touch I am with mainstream. I'm considering getting back into the RnB scene, but still a bit hesitant. =/

It's not just music. Movies, too. I don't download/watch movies at all these days, nor do I actually go to the cinema often. Apart from Wednesday (The Hurt Locker), I think the last time I went to the movies was.....months ago? Well it was to watch Up, and I don't remember how long ago that was. Oh, I still haven't watched Avatar. Yeah, it's that "bad". Although these holidays should change things, I plan on going out a lot more. :D

So it's been I think, what, 2 weeks now without my computer? It is just sitting there open, with the (now useless) motherboard collecting dust. I should take it apart, and I should definitely clean out the fans at some point (it's actually kind of disgusting if you look at it long enough), but hey, that can all be done as soon as I get a new motherboard. I think I might be doing that...tomorrow? Might want to know what model I'm getting before I actually walk into the store, though.

On another note, I'm also looking for an MP3 player that isn't an iPod. Why? I have things against Apple in general, and I think that anything apart from the iPod Touch is overpriced. I admit it's been difficult to find something that beats and iPod in price:functionality BUT I'm getting there. I'm looking for something with expandable memory, just so it's easier to transfer music/increase capacity whenever I want. Suggestions, anyone?

Played tennis with Owen today, it was fun. Started raining at some points. Not much else to say. Notetoself: Get better tennis balls.

Oh also, interesting article:
"Man Arrested at LHC; Claims he is from the future"


-"Mr Cole was attempting to disrupt by stopping supplies of Mountain Dew to the experiment's vending machines."

- ""Countries do no exist where I am from. The discovery of the Higgs Boson led to limitless power, elimination of poverty and Kit-Kats for everyone. It is a communist chocolate hellhole and I'm here to stop it ever happening."

Pretty funny article (yes, I know it is an April Fools joke). And just a thought, if he DID manage to travel back in time, that must mean that his mission as in vain, because the fact that he NEEDS to complete this mission means that the future will exist anyway. Ok, now that I read that it doesn't make much sense, but you know what I'm trying to say.


9:27 PM

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Google Chrome, I am disappoint.

I tried signing into blogger just then and hey look what happened -__-

I don't know. This laptop is messed up. Also, ignore the random black box in the centre of the screen, whenever Torus Trooper is open it's also there. Don't know why, don't particularly care.

So exams, don't really want to talk about it, but they're over. I swear, the last 1 and a half weeks have been the longest ever. I really don't want to go through another 3 (4?). But, it is pretty fun, just hanging around at school, not having to go to any classes and just study (read: mess around [sometimes]) with friends. I don't know, I just found the gap between exams in school really relaxing. Yeah, love/hate relationship with exam period. Should work out brilliantly. 8-)

So tomorrow I'm either going to the city orrrr going to towers for Hurt Locker. I cannot decide. One thing I'm sure of is that I'm not going to school....no wait I will be. Probably. I think.

[/Pointless blogpost.]

This doesn't deserve a new post, so I'll toss it in here.

I'm watching 'Man Made Marvels' on the Discovery Channel at the moment (it is so weird to be watching TV after so long) and this show is so great. I swear I will never underestimate the effort that goes into a building a bridge ever again.

9:06 PM

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Having One Winged Angel stuck in my head whilst proving Trig identities makes me feel like I can take over the world with my mathematical skills.


Also I thought of a cool phrase when I was outside hanging up the washing today, "Rage Helmet". I have no idea what made me think of it, and I don't really know what it means. I just think it sounds kind of cool. Actually, the more I think about it the less awesome it becomes. :/

What else? Oh, my motherboard died; the capacitors burst and started leaking out this acidic liquid. So this cuts off all access to my music and I'm stuck on this laptop which doesn't let me install the audio drivers.

oh hey it's Earth Hour/Facebook Hour now. *unplugs laptop power*

You know that thing that people do where they ask for their readers to post a comment on their blog, just so they know that they have readers? Yeah, I never listen. Not because I don't want to or can't be bothered posting, but because...well...I'm not sure. But yeah, I'm sorry for never posting in the cbox or whatever, but to make up for it here's a list of blogs I check regularly (meaning once every 1 or 2 days). These are in no particular order, just off the top of my head.

katielikescricket.blogspot.com (TONIA IS SO SO SUPERCOOL [enough of a special mention?])

And there's more but they're either dead or I remember they exist once every few months.

You know, now that I've listed all those out I realise I probably don't check all of them at the same time. Bottom line is that, yes, I read them and I find them entertaining (most of the time). Keep posting, people.

On that note, this blog's going private and only a select few will be able to read it.

Do you want to know how to become one of them?


I honestly don't care who you are, where you live, what your favourite colour is, etcetc. Just tell me that you want to be on the allowed list and I'll make sure you end up on it. :D When you tell me though, I'll need an email address too, I think. So yeah, just tell me over MSN, in person, in the CBox, FB or whatever. You have two weeks to find and tell me - plenty of time.

I'm not entirely sure why I want this thing to go private but I've decided on it anyway. Also, this isn't a guarantee that there will be more posts, because as I've shown in the past I can't uphold a promise when it comes to blogging. However, expect a guitar cover to be posted sometime during the holidays (so that's one thing, I suppose).

Hmm. That's all.

8:18 PM

Friday, January 29, 2010

Well, it would've been,
Could've been,
Worse than you would ever know.
Oh, the dashboard melted, but we still have the radio.

8:58 PM

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

The Cribs are excellent.

That is all.



Alright, the threat of Sticky disowning me over the brevity of this post was enough to make me lengthen it.

So, uhh. School in 2 days. I am v. excited. I have bought everything I need. Except for a pair of pants. Pants. Need pants. I have been looking for the last week and a half, and I still cannot find a pair of not-too-expensive pants. So it looks like that I won't be wearing pants to school this year but, as I have said many times before - if this weather keeps up I will not mind not wearing any. Although I'm pretty sure others would.

I decided it was high time to expand my music collection a couple of days ago, and as a result of many downloads, I came to the conclusion that I really like the Cribs. (Y) Go have a listen or something if you're really bored.

I still haven't watched Avatar. O_O
And I still don't have pants.

Alright I think this much will keep Sticky happy.


Ideas as to which one to pick are much appreciated, so please leave them in the comments.


2:35 PM